Slice of life: Speaking my language is normal
“Your Xhosa is too deep. Where are you from?” (more…)
“Your Xhosa is too deep. Where are you from?” (more…)
AFRIKAANS will remain one of the languages of instruction at the University of the Free State (UFS).
Lectures were suspended today amid clashes over the language policy at the University of Pretoria. (more…)
Afriforum Youth, EFFSC UP (Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command of University of Pretoria) and SASCO (South African Students Congress) marched at University of Pretoria, demanding that SRC elections be re-held after claiming that the elections have been rigged. However, the university is still investigating and presently the preliminary results still stand.
The protests have been ongoing since DASO, the DA student party won most seats and the position of the president in the elections held two weeks ago. The university is still conducting an investigation and have so far opted for a recount and not yet called for re-election.
The dispute started after SASCO released a statement on Facebook stating that “one of our party agents notified us of a discrepancy at one of the voting stations (IT voting station) in which the votes and the voters roll did not correlate (58 more votes than voters); which is not unusual in this institution- it’s a practice they have enjoyed for too long.”
They also claimed that votes were rigged in favour of the DA, and that some polling station boxes were found unsealed.
This was later accompanied by Twitter and Facebook posts of photos that show the open ballot boxes.
PYA at Tuks wishes our cdes @UCTSASCO well in their elections…be on the lookout 4 these #TuksRiggedElections
— SASCO Tukkies (@SASCOTUKSBRANCH) September 7, 2015
Since the university launched the investigation, the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) has met with concerned parties for a recount and full audit. Prof. Themba Mosia, vice-principal of student affairs and residences, stated in a media release, “In terms of its constitutional mandate, the IMB has found that a full recount of the SRC election votes must take place in the presence of staff from the Department of Student Affairs (DSA), the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), candidates or party representatives, and the internal auditor authorised to complete the audit.” Prof. Mosia emphasised that the IMB has not yet made a decision on whether or not the elections were free and fair.
Those dance moves man! CAMPUS: @EFFSCUP @SASCOTUKSBRANCH & @afriforumjeug continue their #TuksRiggedElections protest — $andile Nkabinde (@LANDELAuSANDILE) September 4, 2015
*Sourced from and