Craig Daniel is a third year mechanical engineering student. He’s a member of both the Wits Yacht club and the Hockey club. He plays hockey for Wits and hopes to climb Kilimanjaro one day.
How did you get the nickname ‘Sven Handel’?
My friend Brennan gave it to me when I joined the Yacht club in first year. My name backwards is Daniel Craig which is James Bond. So as a joke he called me 700 – which is 007 backwards. After that he wanted to find a name that sounded like 700 so he started calling me ‘Sven Handel’.
If I looked in your fridge right now, what would I find?
I have two brothers so there’s lots of food and a lot of mouths to feed. If I think about it, lots of left overs too. It’s not complicated – just the basics!
Who’s you favourite musician?
George Ezra is the man. Also enjoy Coldplay and old stuff like from the 70’s and 80’s music.
What song do you sing in the shower?
I don’t sing in the shower. This is the stupidest question in the world. I think I’ll pass.
What’s the most exciting thing you’d like to do in the future?
I’d love to bungee jump and climb Mount Kilimanjaro. I do stuff for the fun of it. It’s important to do things for the experience you know?
Tell me about your yachting and hockey playing?
I have learned to sail and I really enjoy it. But I take hockey a lot more seriously. It’s my main sport – I play link on the team.
Do you ever use yachting or hockey jargon as a pick-up line?
No! I don’t even know that much yachting jargon and I hardly ever use the hockey jargon I know.