Wits Justice Project Symposium on Torture
The Wits Justice Project will host a symposium in light of the signing into law of the Prevention and Combating of Torture of Persons Bill, last year.
Training, sensitization and human rights education on the definitions and penalties associated with torture is crucial at this stage of South Africa’s history.
The objective is to facilitate high-level discussions and reflections on:
a) The first year of the “torture bill”: different perspectives from the authorities, civil society and experts. To include topics on:
- achievements of the first year
- the dissemination and training that is needed, for all actors and officials in the criminal justice system
- awareness raising for the public
- needed policy environment
b) The necessary next steps needed for the ratification of the optional protocol of the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) and implementation of a national preventative mechanism.
When: 28 and 29 August 2014
Venue: Chalsty Centre, Braamfontein Campus West
RSVP by July 1, 2014 to Nooshin Erfani-Ghadimi of the Wits Justice Project on nooshin.erfani-ghadimi@wits.ac.za.