COOL KID: Bookstore “bookie”- Moshe Mashela

Photo: Lameez Omarjee

Photo: Lameez Omarjee

With dreads hanging over his eyes and a backpack, Moshe Mashela looks like a typical student.  However, this third year BCom Law student has a cool job as part-time staff manager at a bookstore.

What are some of the challenges you face in juggling a part-time job and university?

The biggest challenge is time and energy. You have less time for school, but you manage your time properly.  Luckily, shifts are flexible.

 What are some of the difficulties of the job?

It’s retail so there are difficult customers. The worst ones try to get their way by shouting at or insulting staff. One of their favourite lines is: “Call your manager.” Most people are nice and reasonable.  The women are pretty decent, although you sometimes get hit on by old men and women, which is not cool.

A challenge is when people describe books they are looking for too vaguely. We just plain don’t have a mental index of blue books with red writing about a lady or a cat, so we usually tell them there’s not much we can do without a title or an author, or a key word at least. No matter how vague a description, we’ll still do our best to help them find it.

 What are some of the best things about this job?

Interacting with people. You meet really nice people at bookstores and you have to get to know them to know what kind of books they like, and recommend something else they might like.  You also learn a lot from them. They end up recommending books to you. The staff, which has become more of a family than anything else. The books, obviously the books. And, I’m not going to lie, it helps to have an income.

 Any funny stories while you’ve been at work?

There’s this little boy, he sincerely thinks that he’s a wizard, and is convinced that we’re hiding our “real” spell books somewhere, and keeps asking for them. There was a lady once who asked for a book she saw in a dream. People sometimes get mixed up and ask for books by Jane Eyre, or when the next installment of Anne Frank’s diary will be released.

ELECTIONS: Man loses job because he exercises his right to vote

BANNED DRIVER: Nymhardt Black (48) sits in the car with his wife Debbie Black (40) after voting and wait to speak to an IEC member to lodge their complaint. Photo: Luke Matthews

BANNED DRIVER: Nymhardt Black (48) sits in the car with his wife Debbie Black (40) after voting and wait to speak to an IEC member to lodge their complaint. Photo: Luke Matthews

By: Palesa Tshandu and Anazi Zote 

A tow-truck driver was fired from his job yesterday when his employer would not allow him to miss work to vote in yesterday’s general elections.

Nymhardt Black (48) who was an employee at A1 Assist in Industria, North Roodeport said he lost his job because he took off from work to cast his vote.

According to Black, his former employer told him to “come park your truck because you’re fired”. Black responded by saying, “We can’t get fired because we want to vote.”

The frustrated former employee lodged a complaint with the Independent Election Commission (IEC) in the hopes of arguing for his right to participate in the elections.

The employer, who is a manager at the tow-trucking company refused to give Wits Vuvuzela comment on the matter.

Black, who is the sole bread winner in his family of four, does not regret losing his job in exchange for exercising his right to vote but said, “My wife is not happy that I got fired.”

He says the decision for leaving his job is also related to the working conditions at the company. His lack of regret for losing his job is also related to the bad working conditions at the company. He only earned R1300 per week, which amounted to R5200 per month while working the whole day, every day.

He does not wish to return to his former job but is currently looking for a new one.


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