Zimbo is a play that depicts the hardships Zimbabweans face daily and what they hope uMsindisi (the messiah) will grant them on his second coming.
Writer and director, Bhekilizwe Ndlovu, a Wits masters graduate in applied drama, said he was inspired by Woza Albert!
“The play illustrates how different players have contributed to the demise of a once-beautiful Zimbabwe which was considered the bread ‘basket of Africa’.”
The play is performed by Witsies Cornet Mamabolo and Thembile Tsuma.
In Woza Albert! the characters ask the messiah to raise their struggle heroes from the dead, but in Zimbo there is a turning point when uMsindisi tells the characters to stop being cowards and become their own heroes by solving the challenges they face.
“People are quick to run to all sorts of places and players, such as the Southern African Development Community and the United Nations to help solve their problems.
“Zimbo teaches us that we can become our own heroes and not even necessarily through violence,” said Ndlovu.