Agang is born - Build South Africa

Anti-apartheid activist and ex-partner of Steve Biko, Dr Mamphele Ramphele, announced the launch of a "new political platform" called Agang this morning at Constitutional Hill. Ramphele said Agang, which means "Build South Africa" declares a war on corruption and promises to be an inclusive party.

Storified by · Mon, Feb 18 2013 02:16:38

Mamphele's announcement ended weeks of speculation about her future. In late January, Ramphele said she was "entering politics to save her country" but there was no official declaration of a party. She chose to make the announcement at the country's iconic Constitutional Hill Women's Prison in Johannesburg, adorned in traditional Xhosa wear.
#Ramphele Photo: Ramphele in action after big announcement. Reporter
BREAKING: Dr Mamphela #Ramphele enters politics; announces formation of a 'political party platform'. Statement just in.Adriaan Basson
Opposition parties seek to dip into Ramphele's expected political ...3 hours ago ... Ahead of Mamphela Ramphele's big announcement, opposition parties have not ruled out the possibility of jointly con...
Ramphele to launch platform | City PressCity Press1 day ago ... Struggle heavyweight and academic Mamphela Ramphele is expected to launch a “political platform” tomorrow, which she will...
#Ramphele Corruption hurts poor South Africans the most. We have failed to transform economy so it gives all dignity and opportunity.EWN Reporter
There were mixed reactions on Twitter to the launch of the party.
#Ramphele So far deep criticism of ANC, no enunciation of her vision, strategy, org structure or support base. This is key for her survival.Justice Malala
RT @carienduplessis: So no questions for #Ramphele right now. No conversation right now. That's a great and democratic way to launch a party. NotMelany Bendix
@MaimaneAM says DA welcomes important step in realignment of politics #Ramphele Alliance
RT @AdriaanBasson: #Ramphele uses phrases like 'we will', 'we are committed' and 'we want to'. Def more than a NGO type thing.@c_v
The official website of Agang went live just minutes after the announcement: