THE CAMPUS Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC), which is based on the University’s East Campus, recently announced it will be having a number of days for HIV/Aids testing.
The centre, which will be working with other stakeholders such as New Start, is rolling out this project in line with the national health minister’s 90/90 strategy. The strategy aims to have 90 percent of people tested as well as 90 percent of those found to be HIV positive on treatment.
Sister Yvonne Matimba of Campus Health says it’s important that students become used to testing regularly, so that if there’s a need, students can receive the necessary support from Campus Wellness. So, look out on your campus for the counselling and testing stations and get tested so you know where you stand.
Some of the testing dates include:
04-08 April 2016
10-13 May 2016
19-22 July 2016
16-19 August 2016