#HabibsReferendum was all the rage on Twitter last night.  
Wits University has taken a decision to run a poll to gauge support to reopen the university by next week. The SRC (Student Representatives Council) have openly rejected the idea and last night members of the SRC and supporters of Fees Must Fall (#FMF), took to  Twitter to ridicule the idea and the Wits vice chancellor Professor Adam Habib.

Former SRC president, Mcebo Dlamini told the SABC yesterday that the #FMF movement are rejecting the referendum because it is unfair and non-transparent. Dlamini says that a student assembly would be the most democratic way to address the differences between students and their feelings about resuming the academic programme.

Since management released a statement about the poll the hashtag #HabibsReferendum circulated on Twitter ranging from sarcastic responses to the more humorous ones.

Some of the polls as tweeted by the account:



This was but the response from SRC, but students against the option to resume academic programmes on Monday had more to ask.

According to a statement released by the university,

“The University will run an electronic poll on Thursday using text messages (SMSs) for students and via a website link for staff. The poll will open at 07:00 and close at 16:00. It will be anonymous and the data will feed straight into a database. The IEC has been requested to oversee the process to ensure that the results can be independently verified.”