The university’s digital resource provides reliable and easily accessible information 

Playlist, the new curated channel launched by Wits University, incorporates a variety of research produced by academics and experts, with new content and updates on online events added daily. 

The online collaborative portal offers information on a wide range of topics, including sports, science and technology, corresponding with Wits’ diverse departments and institutes. Content relating to covid-19 can also be found on the channel. 

Playlist is free and provides reliable information through media platforms, such as webinars, podcasts and YouTube videos.  

Buhle Zuma, the university’s senior communications officer, told Wits Vuvuzela, Playlist forms part of the Wits website’s news channel and provides a one-stop hub where Wits Communications showcases the best of Wits University’s digital, multimedia and online content.”  

The Wits Institute for Sports and Health (WISH) and Wits Sports offer resources on sport and health, such as information on how to remain healthy during lockdown. This includes exercise tips and guidelines 

Professor Jon Patricios, associate professor of WISH and contributor to Playlist, told Wits Vuvuzela, “Staying healthy is more important now than ever because of the benefits of exercise on the immune system.” 

One of the many contributing experts is Professor Barry Dwolatzky, emeritus professor and director of the Johannesburg Centre for Software Engineering, who hosts a podcast series about Africa’s digital economy and future 

Although an expert, Dwolatzky says the content is fashioned to the general public in order to be easily understood. “I put what are actually simple ideas into simple language, so it’s a language everyone can access,” he says. 

On the value of Playlist to the Wits community, Patricios saysYou’ve got some of the world’s best experts in their field, talking about topics they’re familiar with, available to access any time.” 

Access Playlist here.

FEATURED IMAGE: Playlist can be found on the Wits website and is free to access. Photo: Catia De Castro.