A walkabout was done by the LDAC to view the drug hotspots and engage with the homeless.
The mayor of the city of Johannesburg launched a new fight against substance abuse on Friday, March 30, 2021. The Local Drug Action Committee (LDAC) was constituted to fight against the issues of substance abuse by working alongside correctional services, SAPS, the education sector, the business sector and the city’s health department. The launch, held at the Metro center in Braamfontein was attended by mayor Geoffrey Makhubo and the MMC of health and social development Eunice Mginca.
The LDAC will not only focus on individual drug users, but also the people bringing drugs into the country. “People do not abuse what they do not have, they abuse what they have,” said Makhubo. Makhubo emphasised that drug use contributes to a series of social issues in the country. “Gender-based violence, femicide, domestic violence and theft, all link back to the abusing of drugs,” he said. The action plan was set out by the councillors of Region F, which incorporates the Johannesburg innner city, as well as Mginca during the launch. Makhubo handed out certificates of appointment to the men and women that will be leading the LDAC.
After the launch, the LDAC, did a walkabout of known drug hotspots in the city, where they engaged with homeless people and drug users to find out how the LDAC can be of assistance. The fight against substance abuse has also been listed as one of the city’s key priorities. Mginca said in a statement “elevating the substance abuse issue will improve public’s safety through management of the community health, social. environment, public and human settlement”.
The LDAC intends to serve the city by ensuring that awareness and outreach programs are there and effective for the people who need help, including through the implementation of effective parenting programmes. Public safety will also be improved as part of LDAC’s plan through the management of the community health, and social and environmental factors.
FEATURED IMAGE: A homeless man’s hand holding narcotics. Photo: Alfonso Nqunjana
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