Students will be given R1-million to invest in a demo account. 

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has urged students from various universities across the country to take part in the exchange’s annual investment challenge. The aim of the challenge which kicked off on Monday, March 15, 2021, on the JSE website, is to expose students to trading in financial markets and teach them financial management skills.

The challenge is a corporate social investment corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiative by the JSE to get the South African youth to understand financial markets. Participating students will be given R1 million rand to invest in a demo JSE account and test their investment knowledge and trading skills. The top three participants who have the most money by the end of the challenge will win a cash prize. 

Munya Chingono, founder of FinForum, an organisation that seeks to increase awareness and provide students with opportunities in and around the financial sector told Wits VuvuzelaThe financial sector is a large employer in South Africa and there are a lot of entry level opportunities available to students. There is also lot of competition for these jobs, so students need to try and stand out.  Getting involved with initiatives like the JSE investment challenge is a good way to do this. 

Munya also added many capable students slip through the cracks because they do not know where to start with their financial journey. 

The JSE’s CSI official for marketing and corporate affairs, Ralph Spiers, told Wits VuvuzelaThe deadline for students to enter has been extended to mid-May. It has been particularly difficult getting students to signup because of the restrictions with accessing various campuses around the country”.  

Tintswalo Mgiba, a master’s candidate in marketing at Wits University said, “When I entered the challenge sometime in March, I had no knowledge of how the stock market and trading works. I have learnt so much about financial stability, freedom, and management. It has been quite an enlightening experience”. 

Students across all study disciplines have been urged to participate in the challenge. ‘This is a great opportunity to learn about investing, don’t wait until you have money. Start now, start young’, said Spiers. 

FEATURED IMAGE: Student reading JSE investment manual. Photo: Ntando Ximba.